Fall 2022

MGT 411 Leading High Performance Teams [CRN 74110]

Overview of Course

This course is designed to assist students build the skills necessary to function as members of effective and supportive teams. Students will also learn how to lead high-performance teams within organizational settings. A combination of experiential exercises, case discussions and lectures will be used to teach students how to work within, and manage high-performance teams. This course will focus on how motivation, communication, technology, decision making, creativity, and leadership can enhance organizational team effectiveness. Likewise, we will discuss how viewpoints regarding leading teams within organizations differ across various cultures. Assignments include written reports and oral presentations.

1. To apply concepts from Management, Organizational Behavior, and Human Resource Management research to effectively work with others within organizational settings.
2. To familiarize you with the role of leaders and team members and the behaviors of both that support (and impair) team efficiency and effectiveness.
3. To practice activities utilized by effective managers and members of teams.
4. To advance your understanding of human behavior in the work place.