Spring 2023

IE 492 International Educational Seminar [CRN 21036]

Overview of Course

This one-credit seminar explores the complexities surrounding international development and the intersections with sustainable tourism. It provides the learning framework surrounding the two Impact Field Programs designed exclusively for students selected to the Impact Cohort.

The Impact Cohort (approximately 20 students) will travel together on two custom-designed multi-day Field Programs in port to visit and support partner NGOs. During days at sea, Dr. Pack will lead cohort meetings designed to build and foster team community cohesion, provide opportunities to prepare for each Field Program and develop a self-reflexivity process to debrief after each experience. Upon completion of both Field Programs, Impact Cohort students will have the opportunity to apply for funding to complete a project or intern/volunteer in a capacity relevant to the course learnings (timing and details TBD pending partner needs and student availability).


Gain a general background knowledge of both organizations the group will be visiting
Gain context surrounding the challenges and issues the partner NGOs are trying to solve and their processes for engagement
Develop an understanding of the complexities surrounding international development and the intersections with sustainable tourism regarding power dynamics associated with diverse populations of peoples, systems, and environments
Gain self-awareness and leadership skills thru self-reflexivity
Reflect on intersectional theory as it relates to structures along with our own social locations that inform our personal passions, skills and interests and formulate ideas about how to make an informed and positive impact going forward
Please see the Impact Cohort Scholarship (Field Program and Scholarship & 1 credit seminar) for more information on how to apply for this opportunity.